
Nigeria Climate Innovation Center (NCIC) Scholarships

      • Call for Application: NCIC Internship Program 2024

      • We are seeking dynamic and proactive interns to join our team. This is a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a vibrant and impact driven organization. As an intern, you will be placed on a one-year program where you will contribute to various administrative and project-related tasks, h ... read more and apply
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The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), a Swiss-based foundation launched at the UN in 2002 to tackle the human suffering caused by malnutrition in partnership with the Nigeria Climate Innovation Center (NCIC) has co-created the Agribusiness Innovation Challenge to attract eligible agritech startups with solutions for improving the food supply chain in Nigeria.

The Challenge aims to identify, develop, and scale innovative solutions to food safety challenges and a healthier food supply chain that can meet the needs of a growing population while also addressing the urgent challenges posed by climate change in Nigeria. In addition, the challenge which is a part of GAIN’s Strengthening Nutrition in Priority Staples project provides technical assistance training to women and youth-led start-ups to strengthen their capacity, improve their access to financial services, and develop their business concepts leveraging innovation to improve food supply chain efficiency in Nigeria.

Applications are now open to all eligible agri-tech startups in Nigeria. 
