Published: 20 Dec 2024 725 views
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholar Awards (formerly the Harry Frank Guggenheim Dissertation Fellowships) recognize promising graduate-student researchers in their final year of writing a doctoral dissertation examining a salient aspect of violence.
The Foundation welcomes proposals from any of the natural and social sciences or allied disciplines that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence and aggression. Highest priority is given to research that addresses urgent, present-day problems of violence—what produces it, how it operates, and what prevents or reduces it.
The Foundation is interested in violence related to many subjects, including, but not limited to, the following:
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation was established by Harry Guggenheim to support research on violence, aggression, and dominance. The foundation writes: "He was convinced that solid, thoughtful, scholarly and scientific research, experimentation, and analysis would in the end accomplish more than the usual solutions impelled by urgency rather than understanding. We do not yet hold the solution to violence, but better analyses, more acute predictions, constructive criticisms, and new, effective ideas will come in time from investigations such as those supported b...... continue reading
Application Deadline | 01 Feb 2025 |
Type | PhD |
Sponsor | Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation |
Gender | Men and Women |
Applications for the awards open annually on November 1 and must be received by February 1 the following year for a decision in June. Final decisions are made by the HFG Board of Directors at its meeting in June 2024. Applicants will be informed promptly by email of the Board’s decision. Awards ordinarily commence on September 1, but other starting dates (after July 1) may be requested if the nature of the project deems this appropriate.
Candidates for the Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholar Awards may apply online annually between November 1 and February 1. Applicants must create an account to access the application and guidelines. The guidelines are also available through the second link below.
Online Application (Login required)
Application Guidelines (PDF)
Advice for Applicants (PDF)
For more details,visit HFG webpage